In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the PEPP program for 2020 has been canceled. The safety and welfare of participants is of utmost importance. We look forward to offering PEPP in the Summer of 2021.
Since the 1980s, the Professional Education Preparation Program (PEPP) has provided an opportunity for students in underserved Kentucky counties, and minority populations underrepresented in healthcare, to explore a career in medicine or dentistry. Three PEPP options will be offered in June 2020: PEPP-Scholars, PEPP-DMD, and PEPP-MD. There is no fee to apply. Application deadlines may vary.
Incoming fall 2020 college freshman are invited to apply to the PEPP-Scholars program. This two-week program provides an opportunity to gain exposure to medical and dental professions in the hope of solidifying a commitment to a career in one of the areas. The program affords young scholars the chance to observe, network, and volunteer within a healthcare setting. Eligibility and application requirements are available online here.
The College of Dentistry is offering PEPP-DMD (Discover Modern Dentistry) for rising college juniors and seniors. PEPP-DMD is a one-week summer enrichment program, providing hands-on experiences, for those interested in becoming a dentist to treat underserved populations in rural or urban areas throughout the Commonwealth. Eligibility and application requirements are available online at The deadline to apply is March 1, 2020.
The College of Medicine is offering PEPP-MD for rising college sophomores who are interested in becoming a physician to serve the Commonwealth. This two-week program provides the chance to gain further understanding of the medical profession and strengthen their knowledge about requirements for future admission to medical school. Eligibility and application requirements are available online here.
"The goal of PEPP is to create an awareness of health professions among students from all over the Commonwealth, particularly in areas with shortages of healthcare professionals. We’re also creating a network of PEPP alumni to help mentor participants as they approach future training and careers,” shares Dr. Gitanjali Pinto-Sinai, College of Dentistry, assistant dean of Admissions & Student Affairs.
In 2019, UKCD welcomed 16 students for its inaugural PEPP-DMD offering. When asked to speak about the most significant aspect of PEPP-DMD, program participant Anna McCowan shared, “It is very hard for me to choose just one aspect! I think there were three main aspects that were most helpful. First, a subtle but important detail that I appreciated: The intentional, long, and exhausting 8-5 days...Making us go 8-5 and alternating between simulation lab activities and lectures allowed us to see what it was like to be a dental student. It taught us to be adaptable, and we had to switch our minds' gears from using our technical fine motor skills to listening intently and taking notes. Another aspect…was access to the hands-on activities in the simulation lab. While most of us were not proficient in these activities just yet, it allowed us to get used to holding a dental handpiece, and we were exposed to things that will one day be a part of our dental curriculum (waxing, class I & II preps, etc.). Finally… the networking. PEPP-DMD introduced us to UKCD faculty, dentists that work in Lexington, and dental students who could potentially turn into authors for our letters of recommendation, shadowing opportunities, and more.”
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