The residency is designed to extend the graduate's capability to perform all phases of general dentistry in either private practice or hospital settings.
Three UKCD general dentists serve as the full-time attending program faculty. Six additional UKCD faculty and V.A. staff dentists serve as full- and part-time faculty. Numerous other dentists and physicians participate in seminars and fulfill special program roles.
John B. Burt, DMD
Emily Blevins, DMD
Nelly Elwany, DMD
Eric T. Demann, DMD
Regina Ratliff, Asst. Service Chief
Ali Miremami, Service Chief
Manuel Galecio, VA Site Director
Victoria Wilson, VA Site Co-Director
Jung Sup Lee
Kelli Romond
Tyler Bolin
Rachael Arvin
Kevin Stephens
Gerald Grant, Oral Maxillofacial Prosthodontist
Michael T. Murphy, OMFS
Second Year:
Dr. Avesta Shabila
First Year:
Dr. Paige Akers
Dr. Bushra Butul
Dr. Caroline Dornfeld
Dr. Amr Ghazy
Dr. Linda Hussan
• Service rotations in General Anesthesia and Internal Medicine
• At-home, After Hours Emergency Call Service
• Focus of program management of medically, mentally and physically complex
• Operating Room Experience
• Core Didactics including Conscious Sedation
• Clinical experience in Inhalation, P.O. and I.V. Conscious Sedation.
• Full scope of general dentistry from restorative, fixed and removable partial dentures to endodontics, periodontics and minor oral surgical procedures, implant placement and restoration
Percent of Resident's Time Spent:
The first year of the UK/VA General Practice Residency in Dentistry is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation. The Commission is a specialized accrediting body recognized by the United States Department of Education. The Commission on Dental Accreditation can be contacted at 312.440.4653 or 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611.
An optional second year of residency is available but is not an accredited program by the Commission on Dental Accreditation.
Off-site rotations are available including Anesthesia, Medicine, and rotation to private practice periodontal clinic.
A stipend is available to General Practice residents. It is established by the University Hospital and is the same for medical residents.
Dental facilities are located in an 11-chair general dentistry clinic in a modern, primary care facility called the Kentucky Clinic situated in the Medical Center and in dental clinics at the two Lexington Veterans Administration Hospitals.
The General Practice Residency program has approximately 32,000 patient visits per year. There are opportunities for both clinical and non-clinical research. While these are limited for first year residents, second year residents are encouraged to become involved in research.
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Dental Science Building, 800 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40536-0297