UKCD Alumni

The UK College of Dentistry Alumni Association serves to keep graduates connected to the College and to the friends and colleagues made during dental school. It also exists to support the UKCD, keeping it strong and vital, so that the value of a degree from the College continues to rise.

Your support of the UKCD through active participation in the Alumni Association helps you stay current with the activities of the College and new areas of curricular development, and also gives you access to continuing education and social activities like the Fall Symposium, Alumni Golf Scramble, Bourbon Tasting and Silent Auction, and receptions at local and national meetings. The Alumni Association supports enrolled students by providing financial support for the White Coat Ceremony, awarding an annual scholarship to a deserving fourth year student, and assisting with other student events and programs. The Association also provides funding for alumni receptions at the Kentucky Dental Association, Hinman, and American Dental Association annual meetings.

We encourage you to stay in touch with your colleagues, friends and College. Please keep us informed of any changes in your address so that you will continue to receive alumni information. 

UK College of Dentistry
Office of Alumni Affairs & Development

770 Rose Street
Lexington, KY  40536-0297

We look forward to seeing you at one of UKCD’s events throughout the year. 



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