Division of Restorative Dentistry

The Division of Restorative Dentistry offers a wide variety of services for adult patients, including amalgam and composite restoration, crowns, bridges, aesthetic dentistry, and more.


  • Aesthetic dentistry
  • Amalgam restoration
  • Complete dentures
  • Composite restorations
  • Crowns
  • Fixed prosthodontics
  • Implant restorations
  • Implantology
  • Removable partial dentures

The division is responsible for training pre-doctoral students in the management and the care of dentate, edentulous, and partially edentulous patients. We are committed to developing clinical excellence in motivated students who are fueled by compassion for their patients. We teach concepts and techniques that are scientifically sound and clinically validated. Restorative dentists are more than technicians, and to that end we integrate the relevant biological and materials science into our curriculum. As skills are developed gradually, we are committed to providing a learning environment that allows each and every student dentist to optimize their native abilities.  


Stephen Sterlitz, DDS, Division Chief
Robert Frazer, DDS
Elizangela Bertoli, DDS
DeJon Graves, DMD
Hiroko Nagaoka, DDS, MS


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