Earlier this month, Dr. Joseph Van Sickels of the University of Kentucky College of Dentistry was recognized as the recipient of the 2017 William J. Gies Foundation Award in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. The award, which recognizes significant contributions in advocacy, education and research, was presented during the opening ceremony of the 99th American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual Meeting in San Fransisco, California. This conference is the largest gathering of oral and maxillofacial surgeons in the country.
"It is an honor for me to be recognized as a dental educator by the Gies Foundation," Van Sickels said, "Dr. Gies believed that dentistry should have a basic science foundation and went on to co-found the College of Dental Medicine at Columbia University. I am a strong advocate of a basic science background as the foundation for our clinical practice both at the level of our dental students and of our residents in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery."
The award carries a $500 stipend, which Dr. Van Sickels has donated to the UKCD Oral and Maxillofacial Residents' Fund. This donation will be used to support resident activities and education.
In his esteemed career as an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Dr. Van Sickels has amassed many achievements. His research and scholarly activity include publishing over 160 refereed journal articles and textbook chapters regarding orthognathic surgery and distraction osteogenesis. He has also presented more than 245 invited lectures in 22 countries around the world.
Van Sickels has displayed a commitment to service by serving on numerous college, university and medical center committees, as well as various OMFS editorial boards. He has also shared his expertise with underserved populations, having traveled to Mexico for more than 24 years to provide surgical treatment for children with cleft palates.
Dr. Van Sickels is currently a professor and the director of the oral and maxillofacial surgery residency program at UK Dentistry. He is board-certified by the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery where he has also been a member of the examination committee for several years. In 2011, he was named a Provost Distinguished Service Professor in recognition of his contributions to academic disciplines and the university.
More about the William J. Gies Foundation Award
The William J. Gies Foundation was established as a private foundation in 1950 by the colleagues of Dr. Gies — a pioneer of dental education. It was the first American foundation to support dental education and scholarship. In 2002, it joined with the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) to form the ADEAGies Foundation, a public entity. The ADEAGies Foundation's mission to enhance the oral health of the public through programs that support dental education, research, leadership and recognition.
The Gies Awards were established and quickly became the preeminent forum for recognizing contributions made to oral health and dental education. The Gies Awards pay tribute to deserving individuals, institutions and organizations that embody the ideals set forth over 90 years ago by Dr. Gies.
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