UK Dentistry recently welcomed 66 new students into the dental profession with the presentation of the traditional doctors white coat at a ceremony held on Friday, September 30, 2016 at Memorial Hall on UK's campus.
The College of Dentistry Alumni Association, American College of Dentists, and the International College of Dentists helped to sponsor the event, making it possible for each member of the class to receive a personalized monogrammed white coat.
Keynote speaker Dr. Reny de Leeuw, Associate Dean of the College of Dentistry’s Admissions and Academic Affairs, charged the class of 2020 to reflect on this rite of passage and to "accept both the rights and the responsibilities that come with the role of a dental professional."
“Today formalizes your transition into the profession of dental medicine. This white coat symbolizes the respect that is accorded to you as a professional-in-training. However, with it also comes tremendous responsibility. This coat represents an obligation you have to respect others, not just your patients, not just your staff, not just those in the profession of dental education and dental medicine, but all others. It means that both as a dentist-in-training and as a dentist, you will be treated professionally and you will be expected to treat others professionally.”
The College of Dentistry's class of 2020 is comprised of 36 males and 30 females, 38 of whom are from Kentucky.
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