A Message to Our Community

Begin Date: 
Tuesday, June 2, 2020 - 5:30pm

I believe it is very important that we acknowledge what is occurring in our country at this time. These incidents affect many aspects of our lives. I personally was extremely distraught seeing videos that occurred in Minneapolis. It was a blatant violation of anyone and everyone’s human rights. It is difficult for me to understand how this can continue to occur in our country.

Black lives truly do matter. The unnecessary death of George Floyd is being echoed across the world, and rightfully so. I believe it is appropriate to protest these issues and support them as a nonviolent way of recognizing a problem that needs to be corrected. I am saddened by the fact that this has turned violent in many areas with so much destruction of life and property. I believe it is important for us to recognize that these events affect each one of us differently. 

I am proud of the manner by which the citizens of Lexington joined with the police to peacefully protest this violation of basic human rights. President Capilouto has been a true leader in valuing equality and inclusion on our campus. I believe the same spirit is present in the College of Dentistry. The college administration would like to reach out to all our students, staff and faculty at this time of distress and offer support. The primary goal of the college is to provide a safe environment that is sensitive and respectful to everyone, both physically and emotionally. 

Please contact me personally if you have any thoughts on how we might best address these issues and move forward in a positive manner.

Jeffrey P. Okeson, DMD           
Professor and Interim Dean
University of Kentucky
College of Dentistry

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