Endodontics Applications and Admissions 

Click on a link below for details. 


We encourage applicants to have at least one-year experience in general dentistry (i.e. private practice, member of the Armed Forces, Public Health Service, or a GPR/AEGD experience). However, this is not absolutely necessary.

Applicants seeking admission must meet the following minimum requirements: 

  • DDS/DMD degree from a CODA Accredited United States or Canadian Dental School or an International Dental School that provides equivalent curriculum content and clinical experience. 
  • Successful completion of the National Dental Board (INBDE) at the time of application. 
  • Minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (4.0 scale) or equivalent or a cumulative ranking in the top 10% of the applicant's dental school graduating class. 

Application & Interview

Applicants will apply via ADEA PASS. More details to be posted. 

The following items will need to be completed and submitted via PASS:

  • Three (3) letters of recommendation, one of which should be from an endodontic faculty member or endodontist familiar with your previous clinical and/or didactic endodontic accomplishments.
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Optional 2 X 2 photo
  • Statement of intent. Why are you applying for training in Endodontics? 

The official deadline for submission of applications is July 1 for the class matriculating the following summer.

Interviews with UKCD endodontic faculty are limited in number and granted only when all documents have been received. There will be two (2) dates for interviews selected. 

Mandatory Student Fees

Financial Aid Information 

To be posted shortly. 


Specific questions with regard to the admission requirement or any other aspect of the Post Graduate Program in Endodontics at the University of Kentucky should be addressed to the program director: 

Mark A. Schachman, DMD

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