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Distinguished Alumni Award 

Alumni and friends of the University of Kentucky College of Dentistry are invited to nominate alumni as candidates for consideration to receive the Distinguished Alumni Award. Nominations are carefully considered by a special committee selected by the UK College of Dentistry Alumni Association. This award will not automatically be given every year. 

Nomination Information

Application Deadline: June 6, 2025

Please consider the following criteria when nominating someone. Candidates must:

  1. Have demonstrated a loyalty to the college;
  2. Have shown excellence in the profession of dentistry;
  3. Be recognized by peers for having reached and remained at the pinnacle of their field of dentistry; and
  4. Have shown evidence of merit of work in their field of dentistry and Community leadership.

To nominate a candidate, complete the application below. Nominators need not be alumni of the UK College of Dentistry. Incomplete nominations will not be considered. 

The award will be presented at the Alumni Reception during the 2024 Fall Symposium and Alumni Weekend.

Past Distinguished Alumni Award Winners

  • 2024: Drs. Wes Coffman ('78) and Gred White ('88)
  • 2023: Drs. Donald Kleier ('70) and Steven Tucker ('75)
  • 2022: Drs. Carol Bolden ('89) and Stephen Clark ('72)
  • 2021: Drs. Joseph O'Neil ('71) and Ted Raybould ('81)
  • 2020: Drs. Craig Miller (‘82) and Dennis Stuckey (’74)
  • 2019: Dr. Charles J. Vittitow, Jr., 1982
  • 2018: Craig Adams, DMD, 1987 & Col Frank Allara, DMD, 1988
  • 2017: H. Fred Howard, DMD, 1982, & Benjamin W. Nero, DMD, 1967
  • 2016: Nelson Rhodus, DMD, 1979
  • 2015: Mark Davis, DMD, 1967
  • 2014: M. Raynor Mullins, DMD, 1968
  • 2013: John A. Thompson, Jr., DMD, 1971
  • 2012: Stephen W. Wyatt, DMD, MPH, 1980
  • 2011: William Wathen, DMD, 1967
  • 2010: Donald Falace, DMD, 1970
  • 2009: Andy Elliott, DMD, 1983 & Beverly Largent, DMD, 1982, Pediatric Dentistry 1984
  • 2008: Robert Henry, DMD, 1981
  • 2007: Elizabeth Barr, DMD, 1974, Pediatric Dentistry 1976
  • 2006: M. Franklin Dolwick, DMD, PhD, 1971
  • 2005: J. Gary Maynard, Jr., DMD, Periodontics 1967
  • 2004: Jeffrey Okeson, DMD, 1972

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